Understanding When a Quiz Makes Sense


There was a time when every new client we worked with was looking for a quiz. It didn't matter what they were selling. They thought a quiz "like BuzzFeed" was just what they needed to lift sales. They know better now.

Quizzes can be great tools for engaging customers and simplifying their decision-making process. However, they're typically best suited for extensive product categories with multiple variations and specific use cases, such as beauty, skincare, or food.

When a quiz feels like overkill, creating a product comparison chart can often have the same impact. Comparison charts are ideal for products like tech gadgets and furniture, allowing customers to easily compare features, measurements, and materials side by side.

While these two tools can coexist, less is often more! Offering too many features may overwhelm customers and divert them from purchasing.

We're currently working with a client whose catalog includes three variations of the same hero product with several accessories. Their website has a quiz AND comparison chart. When you take the quiz, you end up on a comparison chart. The quiz gets more traffic than the comparison chart, but neither feature gets much love or drives conversion.

With so few products, this client will be better off highlighting what makes each variation unique and integrating a comparison chart in as many touch points throughout the website as possible. Customers will quickly understand what makes sense for them without having to answer any questions or be asked for their email addresses.


This post originally appeared in Edition No. 166 of my newsletter. Subscribe here.

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